Mr Lau (Stuart Ong) 2003-2004

Duration: EP: 296, 298, 306  |  SE: 7.4, 7.6, 7.14


The name “Mr Lau” could strike fear into any Harchester United chief executive. A representative of long-time sponsor Dream Inc, his personal interest became more frequent during the 2003-04 season, over the appointment of Pilar Hernandez. Early in the season he invites Pilar to China where he offers a proposition in the form of Zhao Qiang, a young left-midfielder in the Chinese game, coming to Harchester for free. The publicity would boost Harchester to one of the most watched Premier League teams in Asia, and help towards much needed finances following the purchasing of Luke Davenport for €40 million.


Zhao's ability is shown to be weak against the Premiership players, and sussing there is more to his coming to Harchester than he has been told, Pilar admits to Stuart that Zhao has it written into his contract that he must play 45 minutes of each game so that the Chinese fans will watch Harchester and not another Premiership team. Marcel comes up with the idea that if Zhao faked an injury at the following match, it would allow him time to improve his game. When Dream Inc request proof of Zhao's supposed injury, Mr Lau storms into the club knowing they were given fake X-Ray's, and in an attempt to save herself and the club, Pilar persuades Mr Lau that they did it so Zhao would not show them up as a weak player and will have improved greatly to play in the upcoming Manchester City game, where millions in China will be watching.


The club ownership is handed to Dean Boyle, who recklessly reveals to the world that Harchester have covered up Luke's hereditary eye condition. Mr Lau announces Dream Inc. are considering withdrawing their sponsorship money. After Dean tells him there may not even be a club this time next year, Mr. Lau tells Stuart and Pilar that he is taking Zhao out of the club, effectively removing him from the training pitch and off to the Spanish La Liga League.