Exclusive Interview: Colin Parry

harchester.net (December 2004)

What's the best thing about being in Dream Team?  Being a football fan who'd love to be a footballer but never was good enough. Now as an actor we can kind of live the dream.

Were you a fan of Dream Team before you joined?  No, I never had sky but most of my friends watched it and they couldn't be more chuffed.

Did you do any research for your role?  I researched different scenes not necessarily the character, eg if I had an emotional scene I would work on how and why im so upset, or angry etc.

What do you like best about your character?  The fact that this hugely hard bloke is so insecure about himself is intriguing. Also Frank is not as solid a footballer as the rest and for me that's a blessing.

What do you dislike about your character?  He has a very short fuse and can quite easily snap at anyone.

Are you like your character at all?  I have a very short fuse and can quite easily snap at anyone.

How did you get the part of Dream Team and what was your audition like?  I had to pass a football trail which went ok. Then read the scripts. I got two recalls and finally got offered the part.

What scene have you most enjoyed or hated filming so far?  BOOT CAMP!!! That episode was a graft! At one point I couldn't life my own arms, but its also one of the best shoots because we had such a laugh. Also the first scene in episode 5 was cool. Tim Smith is really easy to throw around!

Do you think you'd like to have your characters lifestyle?  If I was married to Jodie Stone I would do myself in! But to be a pro footballer would be fantastic. That's why this is a dream acting job for football fans.

Have you ever met any real footballers?  I met David Beckham….. years ago. I also met Rio Ferdinand quite recently.

What football team do you support and why?  MANCHESTER UNITED! Always have. Im a Salford boy and you can see the stadium from my house.

Were you good at football at school?  I was pretty good at dribbling and passing, now I can do that but I tackle and head it well.

What is the hardest part about the training you do for the show?  That fact that 90% of the team have played or do play at a high level. They get things done in one take, so there's pressure on me to get things done right or the boys take the Mickey big style.

What do you do in your free time?  Well actors have a lot of free time. I try and do things that are constructive like going to the gym or (as I do club singing) reherse new songs.

Where is your home town?  Salford – born and bred!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?  I just got engaged so baring tragedy I will be married with a bigger family no doubt. Professionally speaking I hope to still be working obviously though I will be pushing 40!! AAAARGHH!

What other jobs have you done appart from acting?  The only other job I had was at a sports shop in Manchester. I worked there for 6 years and made some good friends who I still see all the time.

If you could appear on a reality TV show, which would it be and why?  Im a Celebrity get me out of here, because I loved camping as a kid and the challenges look…erm….. challenging.

If you were to appear on the front page of The Sun this weekend, what would the headline be?  Colin Parry To Wed (yes, someone said yes!)

Do you get recognised in the street?  Yes, but for stuff I've done in the past. Dream Team has just kicked in and people are recognizing me already!

Mars or Snickers  Both!
Coronation Street or EastEnders  Corrie
Jordan or Jodie Marsh  Jordan
Cat or Dog  Cat
Porsche or Ferrari  Porsche
Wine or Beer  Beer
Too hot or Too Cold  Too Cold
Summer or Winter  Winter
Homer or Bart  Homer
Adidas or Valsport  Adidas.... oooppss!
Vodka or Whiskey  Vodka
Chineese or Pizza  Chineese
Night-In or Night-Out  Night In
Sunbath or Ski  Ski

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