Exclusive: Sapphire Elia Interview

harchester.net (December 2006)

How did you get the role of Gemma Craig? Well through auditioning which my agent sorted out. Was quite a few girls up for the part and on the recall it was just me and another girl and I was sure I wasn't going to get it, I nearly knocked John Salthouse on the floor with a hug when he told me I had got the job. I was so happy!

How did you first get into acting and what other roles have you had? Well I joined Sylvia young theatre school when I was 9 (prior to that I was a model doing commercials and photo shoots) and was there for 7 years and so while I was there I got lots of experience in the profession I played young 'Cossette' in the west end musical 'Les Miserable' did presenting for the discovery channel, also did children's entertainment (fun song factory), animation series, radio dramas but this is my first big TV acting role. So I am over the moon about it!

Had you seen Dream Team prior to joining and what were your opinions? Yes but a very long time ago one of my brothers watched it, and I remember thinking how gorgeous Lynda block was lol but that's about it.

Who are your best buddies on the show? Danny Midwinter is a great friend and mentor to me. Annabelle Reid, brilliant woman! Jessica-Jane, love her to bits, Amy perfect lovely, lovely! In fact all the girls! James Floyd, Jonathon Howard.... I am friends with everyone! Honestly this is cheesy but they are all great!

Harchester is known as “the club of death”, are you worried that Gemma might soon meet a sticky end? If I answer that one I will give away some plot lines… will I get in trouble for that? I am not going to risk it.

What do you think are Gemma's best attributes? Her determination and persistence, when she wants she gets!

What do you think are Gemma's worst attributes? I would say her lack of consideration sometimes which makes her quite selfish. Her temper tantrums which are great fun to act!

Are you anything like Gemma in real life? I suppose there are aspects to her that are like me, I have a short fuse and I have been known to pull the odd tantrum …although maybe not as often. I think I share her passion and zest for life other than that not at all.

If you met Gemma in real life, would you be good friends or arched enemies? I think id take her under my wing and try to tame her a bit. Lol.

Gemma is a “wild child”, what is the wildest thing you have ever done? Hmm…Not sure it would be beneficial to me or my career if I told you that one

What was your favourite scene to film? Now that's hard we have so much fun…oh no again I cant answer this properly or it will give away too much but basically there are some stuff to come that were just a lot of fun but also some stuff that really helped me grow as an actress. Got some really great emotional stuff to come!! You're going to love it.

What was your worst scene to film? All the scenes with me in a tiny skirt in the freezing cold!!!! The scene where Gemma got mugged by the illegal cabby, that wasn't easy, broke many a nail that day!

Can you give us any spoilers for the second half of the season? All I can say is that just when you think things have calmed down and sorted themselves out…. Don't be too sure!! There is some great stuff with all the other characters... Miguel Lopez comes into it lots I think his character brings a lot to the show. Jason with some great stuff with Katie and Gavin and Cindi has some interesting story lines happening later on, and….. Some new faces

Do you like football? Well I don't hate it but I am not a fan either. I have to watch football all the time when I am at my dads though so I am an unwilling fan!

What football team do you support? Arsenal. If you can call it support… I have been to a few matches and they lost every time I think I put the mockers on them whenever I go

Can you explain the off-side rule?! Ha-ha! Funny you say that, in a scene I did not that long ago with Duncan I had to mime as if I was showing him the offside rule… I had no idea what I was doing!! I just made it up. Lol. So no is the answer to that one.

How will you be spending Christmas day? At home with my family as always!

What's the most important thing to you at Christmas? Being around people I love and making sure that they are all happy.

Favourite Christmas Food? Roasted parsnips are my fave part of the meal.

Favourite Christmas Drink? Just a nice white wine.

Do you have any New Years Resolutions? Yes, to make sure I get to bed early every night (except weekends) so that I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work in the morning!

What do you usually do on New Years Eve, and how will you be spending this year? I tend to be doing something different every year, and as always I have no idea what I am doing yet ill decide soon… prob just go out somewhere for drinks and fireworks…any suggestions?

The end is very near, what does the future hold for you after Dream Team? Hopefully some more TV dramas and if I am lucky, movies!!

Is there anything you wish to take with you from the Dream Team filming set when the show wraps up filming forever? Don't want to think about the end! I am sure there are a few things, Gemma's knee high leather boots that she lives in! Lol

Where would you like to be (both personally and professionally) in 10 years time? Married….. with a huge impressive CV under my belt! Starring in huge movies with Johnny depp

What other jobs have you done apart from acting? Just before Dream Team... I was working in a pub in Old Street as a barmaid.

Describe your perfect day. Hmm… on my sofa munching on a crème egg whilst watching Johnny depp…. Then off out on a shopping spree… then out for drinks at a swanky bar… then some dancing at a club... home…. Bed… sleeps till mid day :) although come to think of it… I have never done all those things in one day before…

Describe your perfect date. Aww, a nice romantic meal... then back to his for a movie and a snuggle on the sofa.

Describe your perfect partner. Tall dark and handsome.

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