Tube Tales

London Underground (April 2001)

What public transport do you use in London?  Buses, Tubes and trains.

Do you have a favourite stop?  Brixton, there are loads of nutty people around who make me laugh.

Do you speak to other passengers?  Only when I've had a few beers and am on my way home from the pub.

Have you met anyone interesting?  No, probably because I don't usually talk to them!

Any embarrassing moments?  I was on the Tube on my own and the carriage was empty apart from a couple who were sitting opposite me. They were snogging and got a bit carried away to say the least. I didn't know where to look.

What is the nicest thing to have happened to you on your travels?  I don't know about the nicest but I was recognised once on the Tube with three of my mates. We were on our way to watch a QPR football match. The carriage was packed and a group of about five guys turned around and recognised me from London's Burning. Before I knew it, most of the carriage, were chanting "Bluewatch". Embarrassing is not the word - but it's nice to get recognised for doing something you enjoy.

How could we improve services?  If the politicians don't know, I don't see how I can - but I'd make it cheaper for a start.

Are you ever irritated by other passengers?  It annoys me that some buskers expect you to pay to listen to them when they are really bad musicians.

Have you traveled on public transport abroad?  Yes, 15 hours on a train from Bangkok to Suratthani. It seemed to last forever and the train was really smelly.

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